An very colourful artistic rendering of a woman walking walking through light and shadow.

Do Unto Others

you have but once
the chance
to live and laugh
and dance
with everything
that’s true
do unto others
as you would
have them do
unto you

i heard what
i once heard
and i agree,
how we live today
is coarse
and foolish
what i once heard
i translate
for the angry
the misled
and the
dying dead

yea tho i walk thru the valley
of the shadow of death
i will fear no evil
for we have pissed off every god
you’d care to name

you have but once
the chance
to live and laugh
and dance
with everything
that’s true
do unto others
as you would
have them do
unto you

unto you
unto me
unto every god
you’d care to name

someone used to
say that
until we called
him god
and then forgot
we called
him that
all things considered
we’d better say
he’s once removed
in fact
let’s say
he’s dead

god is dead
we screamed
as we held a lantern
to the light
and wondered why
we couldn’t see

you have but once
the chance
to live and laugh
and dance
with everything
that’s true
do unto others
as you would
have them do
unto you

what we have here,
is a failure
to communicate,
to communicate
what we have here
is a failure,
is a failure
to communicate

SFYK  –  From Upright To Here – Song 1

An artistic rendering of a figure in shadow walking towards the light on an old hilly cobblestone path between buildings, in a European like town.

it’s your life
you understand