A Quick Word About Neo

Keanu Reeves is basically a superhero.

He is never in the news. He looks, acts, and apparently is, a normal dude. Probably stoned, not bothering anybody, and looking pretty stress-free.

So normal, although it’s an ‘acting for a living and a crazy amount of cash’ normal.

Then, here and there, he bangs out a movie that appeals to a significant part of the population. Usually grudgingly too. As in: “That was cool; fun movie. Keanu Reeves is a crappy actor. Except when he’s kind of awesome.”

That’s a superhero. Blend in, be peaceful, be cool. Under the radar, no fuss. Then, bam, do something that has people saying: “You have to see this man, it’s really cool.”

I believe movie stars that last a long time are always playing a role in which they can access a part of themselves. Usually a big part, I’m thinking. De Niro is always De Niro, even in a comedy he’s still Travis Bickell. It’s only funny because he hasn’t actually killed anyone yet.

Meryl Streep is as close as it comes to being able to be someone else entirely. Still, every character she plays has the edgy potential to mess you up if necessary. No amount of acting will cover up that particular personality trait.

Which brings me back to Keanu Reeves.

If a guy can consistently portray basically the exact same person over thirty plus years, then it is probably a good part of who he is. And if a good part of who you are is someone who stays calm under pressure and gets things done, then you are approaching superhero status.

Even without actual superpowers, you’re off to a good start.

Superman doesn’t stand around in a calamity saying: “What’s my next move, this is freaking me out.” In Metropolis, there would be fifty people yelling at him: “Ya can fly, ya dolt.” He stays calm and gets things done.

Just the ability to still seem cool, even to your worst detractors, in this grisly time of collective boredom has to be considered as an honorary superpower.

Making people look like idiots and porn pretty much fund the interweb. If they haven’t tripped you up by now, they probably aren’t going to.

I’m not saying that if you and Keanu Reeves are in the middle of a building that’s on fire he’ll magically save you. I’m saying that he won’t be a dick while it’s burning.

That’s superhero enough for me.

it’s your life
you understand