An artistic rendering of a home that has grown into the trunk of a tree.

A Pulse

i think of nature
and its magic
soothing voice

i think of it
a place to go
inside myself
together with
it all
to merge
within the water
and the trees
and land upon the air

i think of it
each moment
met without
a hesitation
that would
leave it lost
but should i waver
it will think of me
and i’ll be found

i think of it
the breath of life
that we all breathe

i think of it
as wisdom
as power and
as light
as darkness
and as calm
as every
starlit night

as every passing good
as every chancing evil
as everything would be
if we would let it be

i think of it
as music
as the purest sounds
we hear

i think of it
a soothing hand
for anyone
to touch

i think of it
so i may see
what it is
that life may be

i think of it
without knowing
and it always
thinks of me.

OCAFIP – Songs I Remember

A fantastical rendering of a cheetah-like head that is hovering above a desert and in front of a tree. The image has a Dali-esque quality to it.

it’s your life
you understand