A Grateful Ode To The Sun

I love the Sun
I love to feel it
I love to see it
I love to know it’s there

I’m not a tanner,
blithely morphing
into a cancer-ridden handbag

I just want to live

There is nothing about the Sun
that doesn’t improve any day,
the Aztecs had that right

If you are going to
do weird things in the name
of something beyond yourself,
at least make it the Sun

Even the biggest fool,
with his or her head
buried the deepest in pretend,
would agree to understand
that the Sun is
the Earth’s everything

It is the sole thing
that if removed
would leave our flying rock
barren of all life
within a fantastically frightening
amount of time

The sole thing

This is an impressive truth
an inarguable, inalienable
and undeniable truth

How many things are this true?
How majestic is that?

It’s not necessary to spill blood
to worship the Sun,
there is no point,
it is
just being

I love the Sun
here on Earth
the Sun is life

it’s your life
you understand