Can anyone outrage you more than a sibling? I don't remember how I came to be running up the stairs, pursued by wrath, but in the moment it felt like life or death I know I expertly pushed a button, we knew where all the buttons lay hidden, and when you see a button, on occasion, you must push it No one really knows why this is so, known only is the truth: the sibling can be a ruthless beast

Can anyone outrage you more than a sibling?

I don’t remember
how I came to be
running up the stairs,
pursued by wrath,
but in the moment
it felt like life or death

I know I expertly
pushed a button,
we knew where all
the buttons lay hidden,
and when you see
a button, on occasion,
you must push it

No one really knows
why this is so,
known only is the truth:
the sibling can be
a ruthless beast.