An artistic rendering of a blue room is telescoping away, there is a door or window, that is bathed in bright white light, at the end. The ceiling looks like it might be made of water.

Clearly Somewhat Cloudy

i call to all
the answers:
please be still,
for me,
please wait.

line up
sit straight
no one
comes late
answers here
answers there
spread around
some are good
some are bad
some are happy
some are sad
all are true
which one’s you
all are free
which one’s me
there’s one now
it looks right
that one there
burns so bright
this one could
that one won’t
now you see it
now you

i’ve never asked before
i’ll never ask again.

OCAFIP – Songs I Remember

An artistic rendering figure with a backpack stands on a rock at the edge of water. Above the figure and a bit in the distance is what looks like a colourful floating city or ship.

it’s your life
you understand