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The Alien Life

The Alien Life, one panel Comic. Two aliens are standing to the left of a third alien. The third alien has one eye. The caption reads: “Well, we aren’t in the land of the blind, are we, Mr. Thinks He's King.”
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. An alien is getting away from the ocean fast with a worried look. Behind him is a weird human looking figure emerging from the water. The caption reads: York wasn't hanging around. Everyone knew the humanish couldn't cause much damage in the water. But once they hit the beach, look out.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. A building with one door in the front has a CCTV camera on the roof. The camera is bigger than the building. The caption reads: The newly installed CCTV camera was negatively affecting attendance at the Privacy Matters clubhouse.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. Two aliens are standing beside each other. One is tall and skinny and the other is short. The tall one looks proud of himself and the short one looks surprised. The caption reads: Ollie knew he was no genius, but Stan's claims of dominating Sumo training didn't seem right.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. An alien with glam makeup on is walking out to meet his friends. The caption reads: It was Stefon's opinion that every occasion called for a little glam.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. A big alien bird is sitting in, and overflowing, a nest. The caption reads: Three squares, a bed, no rent. There wasn't going to be any empty nest syndrome on Dave's watch.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. An alien is standing in a dramatic Kung Fu pose. The caption reads: Abe felt the key to strong Kung Fu was a dramatic pose.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. An alien is standing in grass up to his waist, and one hand is in the grass. The caption reads: Stu had two thoughts at once: 'It's time to cut the grass' and 'I hope that's the neighbour's dog I'm petting.'
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. A little alien is standing beside a huge seated alien. The little alien is wearing an outrageously large and loud hat. The caption reads:"Yes, I do think your cousin will be upset if you wear the new hat to her wedding."
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. Three aliens are posed in a singing fashion on a hillside. The caption reads: Fortunately for the Simpson Sisters, a group of unknown mountain yodelers, they didn't require an audience.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. An alien has a turtleneck on that is squeezing his head at the neck so that he looks like a balloon. The caption reads: There was no question in Dan's mind that the dry cleaners had shrunk his favourite turtleneck.
The Alien Life, one panel Comic. Two aliens that look like scientists stand facing each other at a party. The caption reads: In an awkward moment at the party, the two scientists realized they were both mad.