The Alien Life, one panel Comic. A little alien is standing beside a huge seated alien. The little alien is wearing an outrageously large and loud hat. The caption reads:"Yes, I do think your cousin will be upset if you wear the new hat to her wedding."

Has a dictator ever shunned recognition?

There is not enough attention
to be found laying around for
the gratification and sustentation
of the one with the endless craving.

You know this form of life, the one
that can’t be redirected outward,
away from itself would be a hill
too steep to climb without applause.

There appears no cure, which is fair
as it happens that no cure is sought
when the need is greater than the lure
of introspection and awareness.

What an odd pursuit, to be so clearly
beyond the comfort of reality, warmed
by the illusion that the greater good
is served by you, and only you.